Following a series of tumultuous breakups, Kody Brown is left with only one wife, Robyn, and his original three sister wives have moved on to new lives. According to People, Janelle and Christine are happy to keep the past in the past and move on with their new lives without Kody, it seems like Meri sees a different future for the trio.
Christine, the third wife to marry Kody and first to announce that she was leaving the marriage, said that she hasn't spoken to Meri or Robyn very much since leaving the marriage. According to Christine, the extent of their contact has been giving each other a quick "hi" at family events, but they haven't been in close contact.
Speaking to People, Christine said that she had initially expected for things to be different and to be closer to the other wives after leaving Kody, but she's realized since being away from the family that she is happy with the state of their non-existant relationship now. "It's going to stay separate and I don't need to be close to either of them, really," she said.
Meanwhile, Janelle, the second wife married to Kody and the second wife to announce that she was leaving the marriage, says that she never had a strong connection to the other wives and now, without sharing a family, she has no real reason to stay connected to them.
"And look, we were all part of a family, we all worked hard when we were part of the same family. But now there just isn't a lot in common," Janelle told People when asked about the future of her relationship with Christine, Meri, and Robyn.
Meanwhile, Meri, Kody's first wife and the last of the original three wives to leave the marriage, isn't so happy to be completely separated from her ex-sister wives and would be open to reconciling with Janelle and Christine.
"It's going to take all parties involved, you know what I mean?" Meri told People when questioned about potentially remaining friends with Christine and Janelle. "But I'm not closing any doors."
Considering Christine, the only one of the two wives that said she ever considered the possibility of remaining friends with the other sister wives, has already gotten re-married and moved on, it doesn't seem very likely that she'll be taking Meri's offer. And for Janelle, she made the fact that she never had a close connection to the other wives clear, meaning that it doesn't seem like she's going be rekindling things with Meri either.