RHOBH Season 10 Episode 8 – “I will crush your hand.”
Denise’s tension around the “threesome” conversations lingers as she berates the ladies for not censoring their x-rated communications in her home. And it’s not long before matters take an unexpected turn, leading us to question the stability of Denise’s marriage.
It’s episode eight and the revelation of the alleged affair between Denise and Brandi’s still top secret. Kyle’s hosting a family BBQ and all the ladies have brought their kids… except for one housewife.
“Do you think I’d bring them around everyone,” Denise mutters to Garcelle, inciting much anger from the ladies as they express their upset at being “mom-shamed.”
But it isn’t the reaction of the ladies that’s cause for concern, though, but rather what happens next. As Aaron interjects to defend his wife, Denise becomes aggressive and appears to dominate her husband as she instructs him in no uncertain terms to leave the party:
“Baby, stand up, we’re leaving. Get up.”
The couple walks across the garden to exit the property and every time Aaron tries to say something, he’s silenced by Denise.
“Baby, don’t say a word. We are on the camera.”
A couple more “silences” from Denise and Aaron becomes visibly angry with his wife, growling through gritted teeth, “Don’t tell me what to say,” before muttering a threat about crushing his wife’s hand.
This tense exchange naturally leads to speculation about the couple’s marriage. But when questioned by Andy Cohen at the reunion, its Denise’s defense of her husband’s “hand-crush threat” that sparks even more concern:
“I played it for him and he said, ‘I don’t even remember saying that. I don’t know why I would say that because I am afraid of you.’”
However you interpret what was said by the couple, it’s clear that there’s considerable tension between them and all’s not well in their marriage.
Could Denise have had an affair with Brandi behind her husband’s back? Did both Denise and Aaron have a fling with Brandi that they’re now trying to distance themselves from? Is Brandi just fixated on Denise and is this placing a strain on the marriage? Are Charlie Sheen and the ongoing legal battles affecting the newlyweds?
Whatever the reason, the shift in Denise’s demeanor doesn’t go unnoticed by the cast as Kyle observes: “One minute she’s over-sharing all of this sexual information with her husband and the next minute she’s Mother Theresa.”