RHOBH Season 10 Episode 1 – “That is not a Reposado that’s a Blanco”
We get our first glimpse of the new Denise right at the start of Season 10, but blink and you could’ve missed this.
We’re in New York to see Kyle’s latest collection of kimonos. The ladies are having alfresco drinks in a New York bar. Teddi’s relaying a story about Charlie Sheen’s failure to pay Denise child support. Yep, I hear y’all – none of your business, Teddi. But Denise doesn’t seem too annoyed by meddling Mellencamp and appears to laugh it off. The same can’t be said for her drinks order, though.
As the waiter approaches the table, Denise’s demeanor quickly changes as she says through gritted teeth, “That is not a Reposado, that’s a Blanco.”
The tension can be felt around the table as Denise gives the waiter an aggressive dressing down for bringing the wrong type of tequila, before trying to brush off her rudeness with an equally awkward staged laugh. It’s all very unsettling and certainly raises a red flag.