The Real Housewives of Dallas Season 5 reunion continued tonight with the second part of the reunion, and who knows, it might be the last episode of RHOD ever. But one thing is clear judging from the RHOD Season 5 reunion, this cast is a trainwreck and Tiffany Moon deserves better.
Part 2 of the reunion picked up right where the first left off, with a fight between Tiffany and Kameron Westcott. Kameron doubled down on her bullsh*t, continuing to try and explain Tiffany’s culture to her and refusing to listen as Tiffany tried to explain that FOOD is part of her culture.
Then she took offense to the phrase “whitesplaining” even though that’s exactly what Kam was doing. Plus, her stupid pink briefcase full of “receipts” got annoying in .02 seconds. I love that D’Andra Simmons told Kam to cool it with the dang receipts because they were pointless.
Overall, the reunion was just a continuation of the many racist microaggression exhibited toward Tiffany all season long and even Stephanie Hollman decided to double down (again). She might be a doormat but she was only second to Kam and Brandi this season in terms of being awful to Tiffany.

Remember how she got all annoyed that Tiffany “bragged” about her purchases despite the fact Stephanie had done the same thing herself before? Then at the reunion, she claimed Tiffany was just doing everything to get a reaction, which might be partly true but that’s how you make good television! It’s not Tiffany’s fault if they were all humorless about it. And Andy had it right when he said they all would have laughed had Brandi pulled the cricket prank and not Tiffany.
But speaking of Andy, I think we need a new host for these reunions because his spineless antics are not appealing. He didn’t have Tiffany’s back whatsoever, nor did he even make any attempt to press Kam or Stephanie about some of their egregious comments. I’m tired of him letting behavior that like slide!
Moving on to Brandi, Andy did lodge a few hard-hitting questions at her, especially over the whole Christianity thing. Is visiting a shaman really any different than believing in ghosts? And what about all the sex toys she’s whipped out throughout the course of the show? Brandi gives a typical non-answer to this, it’s just good old-fashioned hypocrisy.
D’Andra also gets teary-eyed when talking about how things went down with her mom on the show, especially how she spoke to Dee at Tiffany’s birthday party. She apologizes profusely for talking to Dee like that on national television. According to D’Andra, Dee accepted her apology and they’ve mended fences.

RHOD Season 5 reunion recap: Brandi discusses her surprise pregnancy, the video & her mother-in-law’s accident
Brandi has had a rough year, I don’t think anyone can argue that. That said, I’m not sure I believe that Brandi didn’t know she was pregnant like she claims. She says that when she went to the hospital and the doctor told her, her only concern was that she hadn’t been taking care of herself. Luckily, Brandi’s baby is in excellent health, but I feel like it was easy to tell she was pregnant throughout RHOD Season 5.
Also, many people might forget this because I don’t think it was mentioned this season, but Brandi’s mother-in-law was in a fatal accident along with her newborn daughter Brilynn. Thankfully, Brilynn was mostly unharmed, with just a few broken bones and scratches. It is devastating what happened though.
As for the video, Brandi acknowledges that she knew where it came from, a double bachelor party in Las Vegas in 2018. A fan sent the video to her daughter’s private Instagram account. Then Brandi further claimed that the video was put out there intentionally to hurt her and then she goes on to imply that LeeAnne Locken sent the video out to the worldwide web, despite LeeAnne already airing receipts on Twitter to get ahead of that rumor.
And yes, for now, Brandi plans on staying with Bryan. She claims he was really there for her during her darkest hour this past year and would feel terrible to leave him, especially as he’s going through a hard time, too. Stephanie says she’s still angry at Bryan and hasn’t discussed the video with him yet.

RHOD Season 5 reunion recap: Brandi addresses the racist video
Brandi continues to make herself look like a jerk when Andy brings up that racist video. She claims that she went above and beyond to be welcoming to Tiffany, but I think we all know that’s a lie. Brandi confronted Tiffany in the middle of dinner to tell her she didn’t feel like she could “be herself” around her and Tiffany asks her why she felt like that?
Ultimately, it all comes down to Brandi dumping her problems and guilt into Tiffany’s lap and forcing her to deal with it. D’Andra sums it all up nicely by saying she wishes she’d stood up for Tiffany more because she had no one in her corner this season and Kary says something similar. They all missed a valuable learning opportunity and really let their castmate down.
RHOD Season 5 reunion recap: Wrapping up the season
In the final moments of the episode, the ladies list things they wish they hadn’t said or done and one thing they had done.
- Kary wishes she had taken a closer look at the things she was doing and hopes people forgive her.
- Brandi wishes she hadn’t gone into JR’s bedroom and wished she would have taken a pregnancy test.
- D’Andra wished she hadn’t spoken to her mom the way she did when she got mad at her and wished that, because she brought Tiffany on, she would have instigated conversations with her that they didn’t have. “That was a big misstep for me.”
- Stephanie apologized for claiming Tiffany was bragging and showing off, and wished she had made Tiffany feel more supported. Tiffany admits that she did feel very alone most of the season.
- Tiffany wishes she hadn’t put crickets in the food and she wished she could have had that moment where she let her walls down much earlier.
- Kam said she wishes she hadn’t offended Tiffany and gets teary as she apologized. Then Kam said she wished she had asked more questions to understand more about Tiffany’s culture.