If you need an escape from reality, Below Deck Sailing Yacht is providing that…and then some, all while taking shots of tequila through the night.
These charter guests might be some of the rowdiest guests we’ve seen on any variety of Below Deck. The crew and boat of Below Deck Sailing Yacht were docked for the night when the guests asked to go on land. They went on land after drinking like, 18 shots of tequila each, and presumably kept drinking shots of tequila.
When the guests returned to the boat, they brought four random girls with them and again, continued drinking. One of the girls barfed on the deck, one was asleep, two were standing up somehow and smoking cigarettes. A DJ showed up (where did they find him?). But then the guests started demanding more shots and food started flying. Rose, tequila, grilled cheeses, extra butter, pancakes, shrimp cocktail, and pistachios. Eventually, captain Glenn Shephard shut them down.
Just keep the mimosas coming. 🥂 #BelowDeckSailing pic.twitter.com/DTfU3Qeftv
— Bravo (@BravoTV) March 14, 2020
Poor Madison Stalker was up dealing with them all night while Jenna MacGillivray slept peacefully and dreamt of Adam Glick. Then Jenna has the audacity to give Madison attitude and say she can’t pat her on the back every time she does something right. Jenna makes Hannah Ferrier look like a saint. Madison is doing the work of a chief stew while Jenna cleans glasses and stares at Adam.
I don’t think we’ve actually observed Jenna do any work besides cleaning glasses. She’s heavily focused on telling Madison she isn’t doing enough work, while Madison does the work of three staff members. And Jenna has a lot to say about it and said Madison was exhausting! No, Madison is exhausted from doing your job for you. The balance between the workers on this boat is totally out of whack.
Paget Berry seems to be spending his time flirting with Georgia Grobler while Ciara Duggan shoots daggers at Georgia with her eyes. Um, shouldn’t you be mad at your boyfriend, too?
But when the crew went out after a night out and Adam turned Jenna down, it almost felt like karma for how she was treating Madison. She could have waited to not flat out ask him if he wanted to sleep with her at the table. I’m sure it was embarrassing for Madison to be talked down to by Jenna, but it was definitely more embarrassing for Jenna to be flat out rejected…eek!
Below Deck Sailing Yacht is on Mondays at 9 PM ET.