Actor Ryan Gosling is hoping to take home the Oscar for Best Supporting Actor for his role in Barbie at the 2024 Oscars in March. The internet has been buzzing with questions about whether or not Ryan Gosling will perform the viral hit and Grammy-nominated song "I'm Just Ken" from the movie at the ceremony and now, Ryan Gosling has shared his thoughts on the concept.
Will Ryan Gosling perform "I'm Just Ken" at the Oscars?
In an interview with Variety, Ryan Gosling shared whether or not he would be open to performing the song during the award show and he had a surprising answer. According to the actor that played Barbie's boyfriend in the movie, he has "not been asked" to perform the song at the award show.
But, Barbie fans shouldn't take that as the final answer on whether or not he'll be performing. Although Ryan Gosling admits in his Variety interview that he hasn't been asked to perform yet, he says that he's not against the idea of performing the song.
"It might be too much of a risk to have me do it. I don’t know how that would work. But I’m open to it," he admitted in the interview.
Margot Robbie wants to hear Ryan Gosling perform at the Oscars
It's not just Barbie fans that want to see Ryan Gosling sing "I'm Just Ken" at the award show; the actress that played the titular character shared that she's encouraging her co-star to perform at the show if he's asked to.
"Don’t worry. We're poking Ryan whenever we can: 'Do it. Come on. It'll be fun,'" she shared to Variety and says that it she "would love nothing more" than to have him perform the Grammy-nominated song on Oscar night.
Even Mark Ronson, the movie's soundtrack co-writer and producer is on board with having the song performed live at the award show.
"That would be great. Did he confirm to you? I want to know... it's my dream. It's my dream," Ronson said in a separate interview with Variety.
"I'm Just Ken" and Billie Eilish's "What Was I Made For?" were nominated for awards from the movie's soundtrack, while the film is also up for other awards on Oscar night: Best Picture, Best Production Design, Best Costume Design, Best Writing (Adapted Screenplay) and Best Actress in a Supporting Role. Notably, Best Director and Best Actress nominations for Greta Gerwig and Margot Robbie respectively were notably missing, sparking debate among not only the stars involved with the film but also with fans.