Now that Real Housewives of Dallas has wrapped its fifth season, many fans are starting to wonder whether the show will return and if so, which housewives should comprise the RHOD Season 6 cast.
It seems unanimous that people love Tiffany Moon and D’Andra Simmons, who have been two of the best parts of this weird past season. When it comes to Brandi Redmond and Stephanie Hollman, fans mostly agree that Brandi should be gone while most are mixed on Stephanie.
I’d love to see how Stephanie does on the show without Brandi by her side, but I’m not sure if she’d stick around without her BFF. Stephanie is sweet and I like her, but she doesn’t bring a lot to the show.
Then there’s Kary, one of the most controversial housewives on the show. Most people warmed to Kary when she joined the show in the past season, mainly because anything Kary did that was unpleasant was overshadowed by the domineering personality that is LeeAnne Locken.
Without LeeAnne, suddenly Kary took over the role of cast villain, and the reaction to her this season has not been kind, to say the least. Most people are clamoring to have fired.
RHOD: Does the show need Kary to keep things interesting?
But let’s be honest. Would any of us be watching the Real Housewives if there wasn’t an adequate amount of drama and conflict? Thinking back to RHOD Season 5, would there have been any substantial drama if Kary wasn’t there?
The bulk of the storylines were moved along by Kary’s involvement, whether it was because she was destroying stuff and getting drunk or butting heads with D’Andra. Other than that, the only other fight we saw was with Brandi, who can’t stop playing victim long enough to be interesting.
The point is, Kary might be frustrating, but she plays a role. She’s not my favorite and I agree with the opinions that she’s something of a bully. That said, I wouldn’t mind if she stayed on the show because she keeps things exciting. She’s the one who comes in and lights the match, blowing up the powder keg. Remove Kary and this past season would have been incredibly dull.
So, if Kary isn’t asked back and Brandi is removed, I could see RHOD getting something of a casting revival, which it probably needs. I think the cast should be selected with D’Andra or Tiffany at the epicenter (although it’s still unclear if Tiffany is coming back). Without Kary, Dallas needs a new villain, preferably one with a personality as large and in charge as LeeAnne’s. Also, I would happily trade Kary for Cary Deuber.
Next. RHOD: Brandi Redmond returns to Instagram. dark
The RHOD Season 5 reunion starts next Tuesday at 9:00 p.m. on Bravo.