In the newest episode of Real Housewives of New Jersey, Teresa threw a “psychic party” with her spiritual medium Gina Marie. She seemed to be the real deal as she threw out multiple psychic revelations to the shock of each woman there.
So, what did Miss Gina Marie divulge? Gina touched on Melissa’s current “problems” with Joe claiming that her dad was watching her from beyond and believes she’s doing the right thing. Gina mentioned the number five, which fits with the fact five years ago, Melissa opened Envy and that’s when things started changing in her marriage.
The psychic also outed Teresa’s relationship, although she didn’t give the group any other juicy details just yet. Melissa apparently knows about Teresa’s new boyfriend but has been trying to keep tight-lipped about it.
Perhaps the most emotional reveal came from Gina talking to Dolores. She apparently touched base with Dolores’s grandparents from beyond the grave and discovered that David, Dolores’s boyfriend, isn’t her soulmate.
Dolores didn’t seem rattled at all about finding out her relationship is doomed. It wasn’t until Gina mentioned Dolores’s beloved dog, Boo hanging out with her grandparents in the beyond that Dolores started sobbing. Melissa was shocked that Dolores would cry more for her dog than a potential breakup.
Real Housewives of New Jersey: Gina Marie: Super psychic or super fan?
Gina Marie was spot on in her assessment of each of the housewives, even down to getting names of deceased relatives correct. But given the show has been on the air for eleven seasons now and she didn’t say anything that you couldn’t find online, it’s hard to believe that she’s the real deal.
So, basically... Gina Marie the Jersey medium is an avid #RHONJ viewer
— Gibson Johns (@gibsonoma) April 15, 2021
Odds are, Gina Marie has just watched every episode of the show like the rest of us!
What did you think about the “psychic party” on tonight’s episode of Real Housewives of New Jersey? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!
New episodes of Real Housewives of New Jersey air Wednesday nights at 9:00 p.m. ET on Bravo.