Below Deck Mediterranean: Will Professional Pete keep Party Pete at bay?

BELOW DECK MEDITERRANEAN: Peter Hunziker (Photo by: Karolina Wojtasik/Bravo)
BELOW DECK MEDITERRANEAN: Peter Hunziker (Photo by: Karolina Wojtasik/Bravo)

The chances of Party Pete actually turning into Professional Pete on Below Deck Mediterranean are slim to none, but we’re ready to watch him try.

At the start of this week’s Below Deck Mediterranean, Christine “Bugsy” Drake went to Sandy Yawn about Pete Hunziker‘s weird behavior.  Sandy minced no words when she called Pete in.  “I have a charter starting soon, but I am seriously considering letting you go.”  It is no wonder that Pete got fired after the season filmed for the same kind of behavior.

Sandy clarified that how Pete treated women and spoke to the women was unacceptable and he seemed to agree his behavior was wrong.  Soon after, Malia White informed Pete that he was no longer lead deckhand due to his comments.

Malia reminded him that all of the women on the boat were in leadership positions and he needed to respect that.  Clearly Pete has a problem with women and he’s terrible at hiding his misogyny.  Pete and Bugsy had a discussion about his comments last week and he apologized, but he seems to just be going through the motions of being sorry.

By the time the next charter arrived, tensions were high.  Though Hindrigo “Kiko” Lorran seemed to connect with the guests immediately, they also showed their high maintenance tendencies early as well.   One guest was vegan and Kiko managed to whip up strawberry gazpacho with vegan croutons in addition to a plate of mushrooms.

Last week, Kiko was able to make a 6-course dinner for 12 guests without much drama, but dinner was delayed by more than an hour last night.  Kiko seemed to lose his confidence as time went on.

Overall, the charter went okay.  Not great, not terrible, just okay.  Thank goodness Bugsy knows how to decorate a table and make shots because the purple potatoes didn’t cut it at dinner.

Below Deck Mediterranean is on Bravo Monday nights at 9 PM ET!