Kelly Dodd has been spending her days spreading misinformation and angering fans with her videos. She’s already apologized again for today’s video.
Another day, another stupid video from The Real Housewives of Orange County’s very own Kelly Dodd where she says something ignorant and apologizes for it. It seems every day starts with a video or comic from Kelly where she minimizes the impact of Covid-19, followed by an apology video where she doesn’t seem to grasp why she’s apologizing.
Of course, everyone is entitled to their opinions. No matter where you land on the issue, Kelly sounds completely ignorant. She already claimed that the virus was God’s way of “thinning the herd” because we are over-populated. I’m sure at least a few of her fans have been adversely affected by this situation and don’t appreciate her comments.
Her apologies are meaningless at this point because she doesn’t believe what she’s apologizing for AND she doesn’t seem to think that anything is wrong with her behavior. It seems like perhaps Bravo has stepped in and told her to apologize, which is why she comes off as insincere. Kelly loves the attention.
In the most recent video, Kelly said that Orange County didn’t have many cases so everything she said was fine. She also clarified that she wasn’t minimizing the deaths that occurred but it truly does come off like she was doing just that. In an Instagram video from earlier in the week, Kelly said, “Look, no one is wearing masks! No one is dying!”
Sometimes having a crazy character like Kelly on the show can be good for ratings, but I don’t think anyone of this will be featured. This means she’s alienating fans while they aren’t airing the show, which could potentially translate to fewer viewers.
Kelly admitted that the network told her to quiet down months ago when she first started ranting, but she clearly didn’t take that message to heart. We know they have no qualms with letting people go…
For more information about COVID-19, visit the CDC’s website or the website for your state’s Department of Health.
The Real Housewives of Orange County will be back later this year.