The Real Housewives of Dallas wedding has finally graced our television screens after months of begging for free dresses and food. Mazel!
The Real Housewives of Dallas moment has arrived! LeeAnne Locken and Rich Emberlin finally tie the knot in a short and sweet ceremony, followed by a long and not-so-sweet five-hour break. LeeAnne’s mom, Margaret, did attend the ceremony with her husband, Tom. Stephanie Hollman and Travis were there, as well as Cary Deuber and Mark. Kameron Westcott, Kary Brittingham, and Brandi Redmond were there in the audience as well.
A ceremonial corn dog
The ceremony was beautiful and LeeAnne looked lovely. But the crowning moment was post-ceremony. LeeAnne had Rich go to Sonic for a corn dog and root beer before they went to consummate their wedding in the middle of the day. It’s a good thing too, since they had no food at the reception. I can’t really figure that bit out, except that LeeAnne couldn’t wrangle anyone to give her free food. But have no fear, she wore a million-dollar tiara.
Kary was pretty frank about the whole party, saying she thought it looked cheap, telling Us Weekly, “The reception was, like, a circus. It was just like, no, it was not a great wedding at all. Definitely not $4 million, maybe, $2,000.” She also said she went because she had nothing better to do. I think she went to report back to D’Andra Simmons about LeeAnne’s ham and cheese offerings.
Speaking of D’Andra
Watching her and Jeremy cook was a yawn. I get that she wanted to do something to distract from the wedding, but what exactly is she doing this season? Just complaining about work and LeeAnne. Boring night aside, her fried crab looked good. There, I said it. And at least she had dinner, unlike the rest of the cast.
Now that the wedding is done, it will be interesting to see what happens with LeeAnne for the rest of the season. Will her and D’Andra keep fighting, or will LeeAnne take a bigger interest in repairing their friendship?
The Real Housewives of Dallas is on Wednesdays at 9 PM ET on Bravo.