RHONY: Ramona Singer, Tinsley Mortimer in the hot seat for part 2 of the reunion

THE REAL HOUSEWIVES OF NEW YORK CITY -- "Reunion" -- Pictured: Sonja Morgan -- (Photo by: Heidi Gutman/Bravo)
THE REAL HOUSEWIVES OF NEW YORK CITY -- "Reunion" -- Pictured: Sonja Morgan -- (Photo by: Heidi Gutman/Bravo)

The Real Housewives of New York Reunion Part 2 finds Ramona Singer and Tinsley Mortimer in the hot seat.

The Real Housewives of New York cast is back and ready to argue some more in their finest dresses.  This week, Ramona is held accountable for her lies and her mouth, while Tinsley is questioned for her relationship with Mr. Coupon Cabin.

Ramona, Ramona, Ramona

The shady producers play a lovely reel of Ramona being shady and also making out with Harry Dubin like “crocodiles,” Tinsley says. It is not a pretty sight.

They also showed Ramona picking a better table and ditching Dorinda, and Ramona says her brain isn’t “Ageless by Ramona.” What a plug.

“When you talk loud, you sound like a moron,” Bethenny says to Ramona.  Ramona simply thinks yelling the loudest makes your point more sound. Someone call her sister, Avery.

Ramona says to Andy, “I’ve been really working hard on myself”

And Andy replies, “In what way because you just got caught in like, nine lies.”

During the aforementioned shade reel, Ramona really does come off as a rude social climber.  She has no qualms about ditching her close friends for a better table at a better party.  Nobody puts baby Sonja in a corner – nobody!

Future Mrs. Coupon Cabin

Tinsley is discussing her relationship with Scott.  No one really cares except that it is clear Tinsley and Scott are together and Tinsley just likes to pretend they are not.

Bethenny says that Tinsley sets women back 100 years, but she just sounds cranky. Tinsley can support herself just like you can, Bethenny.

When Tinsley brings up calling 911 for Bambi, Bethenny’s reaction is a bit cold.  We saw her on social media for like, 48 hours straight, when Cookie was leaving this world.

A lot of people were offended by her omnipresence on social media during such a private and sad time, but she seems to have no sympathy for Tinsley and Bambi. Tinsley has since rescued two new pups, Strawberry and Shortcake.

Bethenny acts like she is co-hosting this reunion at times, so confident that Andy isn’t going to come for her – and it shows.

Dun dun dun

Ramona saying she didn’t want to break the “third world” instead of the “fourth wall” might have been my favorite moment during the reunion so far.   Ramona, rude as she can be, is a gift.

The reunion commences next week with part III airing on Thursday, July 25 at 9 PM ET.

Part III of The Real Housewives of New York reunion airs on Thursday, July 25 at 9 PM ET.