Real Housewives and other Bravo show stars know how to steal the spotlight when it comes to quotable comments. Get their best quotes here!
Real Housewives and other Bravo show stars say the craziest things sometimes…and we love it!
Have you ever longed for an easy way to remember your favorite wild and outrageous quotes from your favorite Bravo show stars, ranging from Real Housewives of Atlanta to Vanderpump Rules to Southern Charm?
We’ve fulfilled your wish with our treasure chest of the best comments from Real Housewives and other Bravo shows.
Real Housewives Of Orange County quotable quotes
Oh, Vicki Gunvalson! Whether you love her or loathe her, you know that where Real Housewives Of Orange County OG Vicki goes, trouble (and wild sayings) follow.
Give this OG (old girl) of the OC (Orange County) points for honesty with this quote: “I Married My First Husband Because He Had A Really Nice A*s And A Great Car.”
Let’s just hope she didn’t tell the minister that at her wedding ceremony!
And in the category of the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree (or in this case, make that an orange!), Vicki’s daughter Briana Culberson had the perfect way to describe her life (and the life of most moms with little kids): “”This Is My Life: Just Farts And Super Heroes.”
Real Housewives Of Atlanta most iconic quotes
No contest here. The absolute most iconic Real Housewives quote, as E News pointed out, comes from Sheree Whitfield of RHOA.
“Who Gon’ Check Me, Boo?”
Uh, no one, Sheree. No one would dare to check you, boo!
In second place, NeNe Leakes of RHOA, with her reunion line: “So nasty and so rude.”
You tell ’em, NeNe.
Below Deck most memorable quote
Captain Lee is known for his one-liners. And if you don’t follow him on Twitter, well, you’re missing quotes such as this one:
Should be a litter of puppies running around on deck by now, the pooch has been screwed so much.
— Captain Lee (@capthlr) May 25, 2016
Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills most useful quote
Have you ever wanted to put someone in her place without being outright, well, nasty and rude?
Borrow this line from RHOBH star Yolanda Hadid, and just fill in the name of your choice: “Who is Adrienne Maloof in this world?”
Real Housewives Of New York most memorable quote
When you want to offer your friends drinks, you could invite them to belly up to the bar. Or, you could quote Ramona Singer of RHONY and declare: “It’s Turtle Time.”
And then there are these quotes from Dorinda Medley (“I decorated! I cooked! I made it nice!”):
Southern Charm most memorable quotes
Of all the reunions, we love the Southern Charm gatherings the most. And as Bustle noted, this conversational exchange among Shep and Andy Cohen is a verbal gem.
In response to T-Rav using the word “ergo” in his always lofty comments, Andy exclaimed, “Ergo!”
Shep, thinking that Cohen needed to be educated (BTW, if any education is needed in the group, it’s Shep on the art of sarcasm): ““It’s an old Latin term.”
Andy, raising one eyebrow, “Thanks, Shep.”
Actually, we’re stealing that line from now on any time someone questions a word that we use, “It’s an old Latin term.”
But then there’s always quotable Cameran Eubanks, who came up with this summary of Southern Charm’s men: “The typical Charleston guy has PPS to the tenth degree, which is Peter Pan Syndrome.”
Best Vanderpump Rules quote
A Vanderpump Rules line that I loved as soon as I heard it and have used more often than I want to admit: “I don’t know what I’ve done to you but I’ll take a Pinot Grigio.”
Classic VPR!
What’s your favorite Bravo show quote? Share it in our comments section below.