Real Housewives All Stars

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2. Bethenny Frankel from Real Housewives of New York City

There is no way you can have a Real Housewives All Stars Season without including the “B from NYC”, Bethenny Frankel. Bethenny can go toe to toe with just about anyone so she’d be a natural fit for this type of show. We’ve seen what Bethenny is like when she is stuck in a house with fellow Housewives (THE BERKSHIRES THOUGH!), and it’s not pretty. Bethenny is always extremely outspoken, but something about being trapped under a roof with her costars takes it to the next level.

Bethenny comes across as highly competitive, and her business savvy and experiences on competition shows in the past could also give her an advantage. Also, the one liners that she would hit her costars with are bound to be GIF worthy and iconic. Bethenny has gone to war with everyone from Ramona Singer to Erika Jayne and comes out mostly unscathed every time. A Real Housewives All Stars season seems like a perfect playground for Bethenny to due what Bethenny does best; win.

Would Bethenny be your choice from the Real Housewives of New York City? Who would be your pick?