Real Housewives of Atlanta: 5 biggest takeaways from The Peaches of Tokyo

Credit: The Real Housewives of Atlanta/Bravo
Credit: The Real Housewives of Atlanta/Bravo /
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3. After years of fighting, there might be hope for Kandi & Porsha

Kandi and Porsha have been at odds now for what seems like an eternity at this point. It all stems back to the accusations planted by Phaedra that Porsha blindly went along with. These allegations could have done serious irreparable damage to Kandi’s reputation, but luckily she bounced back quickly. The drama between the two ” Peaches of Tokyo ” has revved up several notches this season with Kandi meddling in Porsha’s relationship, and Porsha being thrown out of Todd Tucker’s birthday party.

The drama reached a climax at the hibachi party, but Porsha’s huge announcement in Tokyo may have been a game changer. Porsha finally told all of the ladies she was expecting her first child, and everyone was over the moon for her; Kandi included. Kandi was gracipous and positive about the pregnancy news both to Porsha’s face AND behind her back. Kandi hugged Porsha and cheered with the rest of the Housewives, and was very positive and complimentary in her confessionals as well.

Only time will tell if Kandi and Porsha can actually put their differences behind them once and for all, but this seemed like a great first start.