Tinsley Mortimer and her mother went to try on wedding dresses and then they broke down after seeing Tinsley’s frozen eggs. What happened there?
Tinsley Mortimer is very close with her mother and she has appeared on The Real Housewives of New York several times. It’s clear that Tinsley’s mother would love to see her daughter get married again and possibly have kids. It’s no secret that Mortimer’s first marriage to Topper didn’t work out and that they didn’t have any kids. Now that Tinsley is getting older, her mother may be pushing her to have kids and settle down. During last week’s episode, the two went to try on wedding dresses just for fun. Then, the conversation turned to her frozen eggs and when the ladies saw the eggs, they began to cry.
Viewers of The Real Housewives of New York may have been slightly confused. Why was Tinsley Mortimer crying after seeing her frozen eggs? Did she think that her eggs were her small children, who would one day be joining her in life? Needless to say, the scene was slightly awkward to watch, as her mother tried to push engagement, marriage, and kids onto her and Scott Kluth.
There are reports that Tinsley Mortimer and Scott have split, so it doesn’t sound like those grandkids are coming from Tinsley and Scott. It’s possible that Mortimer’s mom will try to find someone else for her, as she wants her daughter to settle down.
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As for Tinsley, she couldn’t hold back the tears when she saw her frozen eggs. And yet, she didn’t want her mother to push Scott away by constantly bringing up the fact that they aren’t engaged yet.
What do you think of Tinsley Mortimer’s mother and the way she is pushing engagement and kids on her daughter? And what did you think of Tinsley breaking down after seeing her eggs?