Melissa Gorga’s customers demanding money after Chanel scandal
By Mary Jane
A few days ago, Melissa Gorga revealed that she had been selling counterfeit Chanel bags at her ENVY store. Now, customers are asking for their money back.
Melissa Gorga recently told her Instagram followers that Chanel had informed her that the bags she was selling at her ENVY by Melissa Gorga store were fake and counterfeit. She had ceased all sales of the handbag. Melissa made the announcement in case anyone was eyeing a bag for themselves, but she could also have a legal responsibility based on Chanel’s demands. But the post didn’t go into detail about what customers could do, who had bought these fake bags.
Melissa had disabled comments on the bag post, so The Real Housewives of New Jersey viewers couldn’t respond. Some people went back to some of her old posts that allowed for comments and asked her what they could do to get their money back. One person seemed rather upset, asking Melissa whether she would be getting her money back.
Of course, Melissa Gorga could possibly provide refunds but that could require that the customer still has the receipt. And if someone purchased the bag in good faith months ago, it’s possible they didn’t keep the receipt as proof of purchase.
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Fans are curious as to whether they will get their money back, but Melissa Gorga hasn’t said anything. Since she sold fake and counterfeit products, it’s possible that she could be in some legal trouble with Chanel that she wants to sort out first. Some fans speculated that Melissa wouldn’t be giving refunds as she could be in some financial troubles. There’s no proof of financial issues, but this Chanel scandal isn’t good for her brand.
What do you think about Melissa Gorga’s post and customers asking for refunds? How do you think she should handle this situation?