Team Kim vs Team Kenya: RHOA fans weigh in on the Season 10 feud

Photos by: Alex Martinez/Bravo
Photos by: Alex Martinez/Bravo /

Does anyone even remember why Kim Zolciak and Kenya Moore are feuding on RHOA? 

Real Housewives of Atlanta fans seemed mostly happy when NeNe Leakes and Kim Zolciak returned for Season 10. While NeNe has transitioned pretty seamlessly back into the fold, it seems that Kim really hasn’t. She joined this season of RHOA as a part-time peach holder and so far, the bulk of her storyline has been a feud with Kenya Moore.

The Kim Zolciak versus Kenya Moore feud started up during Season 9 at Sheree Whitfield’s housewarming party. Previously, Kenya and Sheree had been needling each other over whose house was better. Once Kim came back into the picture, Sheree seemed to happily take a step back.

With Kim returning for Season 10 of RHOA, her storyline has revolved around this spat with Kenya Moore and honestly, it doesn’t even make sense anymore. Kim has taken many jabs at Kenya with the most shocking coming during NeNe’s white party.

So far, Kim Zolciak’s insults have included claims that Kenya’s husband is fake and that her marriage is all for a storyline. That would maybe make sense if she had invited Bravo camera crews to the wedding and had plans to bring Marc Daly on the show.

There have also been claims that Kenya is jealous of Kim and that she wishes she had her life. Kim has been quick to point out her real husband, her kids, and her spinoff show which is getting lukewarm ratings.

Kenya can argue all she wants but it’s no secret she’s been longing for marriage and children. Even while she was just dating Matt Jordan prior to their contentious break up, there were reports that Kenya was going through IVF in an attempt to conceive. Even if Kim was right, that was a seriously low blow.

Kenya Moore strikes back

Kenya Moore has taken several shots at Kim Zolciak too. However, even those who aren’t huge fans of Kenya can see that her shots at Kim have been mostly reactionary. That was also the case in their latest argument where Kim literally had to be held back by security. (Oh wouldn’t Kenya have loved if Kim put a hand on her? She would have demanded that her foe is removed from the Bravo show immediately.)

Moore has reacted to Kim’s onslaught of insults by sending back some real zingers. In response to Kim claiming Kenya is jealous of her life, Kenya reminded everyone about Big Poppa, the married man that Kim “dated” for years as RHOA started to become popular.

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When Kim claimed that Kenya was fired for refusing to bring her new husband on the show, Kenya again reminded everyone that Kim was romantically involved with Big Poppa and never had to bring him on the show. Even Kenya’s fans jumped in on that one, with some claiming Bravo racism over the possibility that Kenya might lose her peach when Kim’s shady affair was hyped up and protected.

At NeNe’s party, after trying to ignore Kim’s barrage of insults, Kenya Moore finally snapped and let loose. The thing with Kenya is, when she does finally get mad, it’s like all rules of etiquette and civility get thrown out and she will sling the biggest insults that she can muster. That’s what angered so many trans fans after the last episode.

What are RHOA fans saying?

It’s really been obvious recently that Kim Zolciak is the instigator in the feud with Kenya Moore. Despite that, it still seems that RHOA fans overwhelmingly support Kim and prefer her over Kenya.

On the Champagne and Shade Facebook page (if you’re not already following it, make sure to give us a like!), a few RHOA fans stuck up for Kenya, claiming that she’s actually a very nice woman who gives to charity and stays involved in her community. At the very least, the charitable part is true. She often takes on causes and has even gotten her hands dirty helping out with charities that she believes in. That doesn’t mean she’s been the most well behaved on reality TV though.

The overwhelming majority of responses seem to be that neither Kim or Kenya is anyone’s favorite RHOA star. The reality is that picking one or the other means trying to pick the best of the worst rather than cheering for someone that they really like. That’s just too bad that their RHOA roles have come to this.

Next: Kenya Moore may finally be pregnant

It seems that Kim Zolciak’s return to Real Housewives of Atlanta would be much more interesting and better received if she would leave Kenya alone and figure out a storyline that has some depth to it. Every great storyline doesn’t need to involve shade and insults. Considering that’s what she’s got going on with Kenya on the show and NeNe online, the constant negativity just seems exhausting.

Where do you stand on the latest RHOA feud? Are you Team Kim or Team Kenya? Or are you with me on team no one, waiting for some natural drama due to a real storyline?