Kelly Dodd slams Gretchen Rossi — RHOC star attacks another friend out of nowhere


Kelly Dodd slammed Gretchen Rossi over infertility and relationship issues on Instagram.

The last several months have felt like the twilight zone with Kelly Dodd. Clearly, she is a loose cannon, but attacking her friends is a bit much. Dodd is going through a divorce and that may be contributing to the way she is acting. A mid-life crisis is what some RHOC fans think is happening.

Gretchen Rossi is the latest Kelly Dodd target. She took to Instagram and commented on a photo she didn’t like.

It was just an Instagram post that revealed Season 7 of RHOC  as the highest rated. A season that Kelly Dodd was not involved in.

According to All About the Real Housewives, Kelly Dodd accused the handler of being Slade (Gretchen’s man) and things escalated from there. In fact, this was probably the nastiest we’ve seen Kelly act in a while.

The two were once friends. They even hung out at the beginning of the RHOC season this time when Vicki Gunvalson had her birthday bash.

Gretchen and Kelly were photographed a lot together earlier this year, and this flipped scripted is concerning. Dodd went in on Rossi about her lack of children even though she reportedly knew the couple was struggling to get pregnant. Kelly also slammed her relationship with Slade. While many RHOC  fans may agree with the Slade comments, things went too far.

Next: Kelly Dodd reveals which 'Real Husbands' she would date

Vicki Gunvalson was thrown under the bus by Kelly Dodd too. When she appeared on WWHL, she told Andy that Gunvalson talked about Terry Dubrow being a bad doctor. This was in response to the RHOD drama, but it was a big issue for Dodd. She had to come back and say she misspoke. At that point, Gunvalson should have put her foot down. Unfortunately, Dodd was really her only friend the last two seasons, so she didn’t.